Faculty of Information Technology Dean's Office
Topic outline
In this section you will find information about the Faculty of Information Technology and its departments.
In this section you will find information about the study programmes of the Faculty of Information Technology - study programme directors, course representatives, course group emails, as well as study programme plans. In case of any questions or doubts, please contact the director of the specific study programme!
In this section you will find the current timetable, student groups and samples of applications for different study situations.
In this section you can find the session timetable, binding documents, rotation results and samples of applications.
Session - a periodic period of study (in higher and secondary special education institutions) during which tests and examinations are held; a periodic period of study (in part-time programmes in higher and secondary special education institutions) during which common classes, tests and examinations are held.
Rotation is a competition for study places at Ventspils University College, which is financed from the budget funds and is organised every semester in 2 rounds. According to the student's level of achievements and the amount of academic debts, he/she has to take a certain rank in the course, which then determines whether the student can apply for a budget place and apply for a state budget scholarship.
In this section you will find information about academic debts and how to settle them.
Academic debt - failure to meet the obligations of the student in the course of study and/or failure to complete/ pass an examination within the prescribed time limits.
Failing grades - grades less than four, failing, N (no-show), NP (failed). If AK (repeat course) is indicated, the student is not entitled to take the examination and must repeat the course of study for a fee according to the number of credits of the course of study in accordance with the price list of paid services approved by the Senate of the VUAS.
Examination sheet - a document in the LAIS system in which the lecturer indicates the mark and the date of the examination. -
In this section you can find the price list and payment procedures for VUAS paid services.
Students planning to do a internship need to find an internship place and submit the relevant documents to the ITF Dean's Office before starting the internship. Before the start of the internship, the ITF Council approves the internship place and the internship supervisor for each student on the basis of the student's application. In case of a positive decision, a three-party internship agreement is concluded between the student, the internship place and the VUAS. The signing is organised by the ITF Secretary. Once the internship agreement is concluded, the student goes on the internship, documenting it according to the procedure laid down in the internship regulations.
According to the study programme plan, the study programme director organises the defence of the internship, informing the students in advance about the course of the defence and the procedure for submitting documents. Before the defence of the internship, the student must submit to the ITF Dean's Office all documents related to the internship, in accordance with the specific internship regulations.
In agreement with the programme director, students may also undertake the internship earlier, for example, during the summer period.
PS Prakses nolikuma pielikumi Nr. 1 - 6 un trīspusējā prakses līguma paraugs (LV).
Prakses nolikuma pielikumi Nr. 1 - 6 un prakses līguma paraugi (in Latvian for ITB)
Annexes 1 to 6 of the Internship Regulations and sample internship agreement (in English for ITB_EN)
EIB Prakses nolikuma pielikumi Nr. 1 - 5.
EIM Prakses nolikuma pielikumi Nr. 1 - 5.
In this section you will find all the basic information you need on the final theses - timetable, regulations, guidelines, templates for applications and other useful information.
Students have the right to submit suggestions and complaints to the VUAS about the study process and other issues.
Applications may be submitted for suggestions and complaints related to:
- the content, process and quality of studies;
- the quality and availability of material and technical support;
- the performance of staff, the culture of service and cooperation;
- unfair or unethical behaviour of VUAS staff.
Issues concerning:
- tuition fees are regulated by the tuition fee agreement and the tuition fee agreement;
- scholarships are regulated by the "Regulations on the Procedure for Granting Scholarships at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences";
- termination of studies is regulated by the "Regulations on the Procedure of Studies at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences";
- evaluation of study results, organisation and implementation of examinations are regulated by the "Regulations on the Organisation of Examinations and Evaluation of Students' Knowledge at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences".
If you have any ideas, suggestions, complaints or problems, please contact the Faculty administration at itf@venta.lv!