The objectives of this course are to give the participants a working knowledge and knowhow about and of the marketing communication strategies and techniques including online, digital and e-marketing.
Main topics to be covered:
Customer psychology and buyer behaviour
Customer communications theory
International marketing communications
Communications tools
- Docētājs: Ikše Matīss Rihards
- Docētājs: Dreijers Guntars
Kursa mērķis ir izkopt
studentu latviešu valodas prasmes un iemaņas valodas funkciju kopumā;
pilnveidot iemaņas latviešu valodas ortogrāfijā, interpunkcijā, stilistikā un
spējas ieraudzīt, atpazīt un novērst kļūdas latviešu valodas tekstos; veicināt
praktiskas iemaņas teksta rediģēšanā, kā arī izkopt praktiskās iemaņas
dokumentu veidošanā un teksta formatēšanā, izmantojot dažādas programmatūras.
- Docētājs: Sīle Aija
- Docētājs: Cimdiņa Elīza
- Docētājs: Veckalne Aiga
Objective |
The course language is English. Students are introduced into general methods, techniques and approaches of academic writing (types of academic papers; primary requirements as to their drafting, contents and style), work with sources and references, collection of data, analysis of primary and secondary sources and presentation or research results. |
Results |
Studies have acquired skills in writing academic essays, summaries and papers; doing independent research (extraction of information and provision of their own inputs) and analysis of all sorts of data and information; they know primary methods of academic studies; are able to use adequate style and register; show their presentation skills. |
Organization mode of students` individual assignment: class work, home assignments, presentations. |
Evaluation of learning outcomes: mid-term presentations, home assignments/class work; exam: final 15-page academic study and its presentation. |
Course outline: |
1.Types of academic writing . 2.Academic [argument] essay: structure; approaches; mapping and plan; drafting of the main structural elements. 3.References and evidence. Analysis. Evaluation. 4.Academic register or style. 5.The writing process and procedure. Prewriting techniques. 6.Primary and secondary sources. 7.Academic writing and text. Coherence and context. 8.Plagiarism. 9.Academic research methods in social sciences: 9.1.Epistemology. 9.2.Research tools and procedures. 9.3.Data collection. 9.4.Fundamental/applied/practical research. 9.5.Research parameters. 9.6.Aims of research. 9.7.Qualitative/quantitative research. 9.8.Research design. 9.9.Hypothesis. 'Zero' hypothesis. 9.10.Criteria 9.11.Sources and resources. Variables and data. 9.12.Results. Conclusions. Validity and quality. 10.Bachelor Thesis Guidelines. 11.Independent final 15-page study and its presentation. |
- Docētājs: Veckrācis Jānis
The course aims at introducing the students with various manifestations of culture and art by applying the semiotic, political, CDA perspectives to a diverse range of human artefacts. For that reason, we will learn about :
1. the concept of culture
2. digitalisation of culture
3. creativity
4. commercialisation of culture
5. art history
6. symbology
7. culture and power
8. art-beauty-ugliness
9. art as therapy
10. local and global contexts of culture
11. carnivalesque
12. and other topics
Requirements of the course:
1. good knowledge of English (at least B2); 2) timely submitted homework; 3) in-class presentations and active participation; 4) critical writing (reviews) 5) a successfully passed exam
- Docētājs: Dreijers Guntars