Study programme management and contacts

Programme director – doc. Dr.Sc.Comp. Vairis  Caune (email:;

Study programme parameters

Study field Information Technology, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Management, and Computer Science
Accreditation till 26.10.2029.
Code of the study programme in accordance with the Latvian Education Classification 45484
Study programme cycle and level Second cycle study programme, LQF and EQF Level 7
Type of final examination Master's thesis
Degree to be obtained Academic Master's degree of Natural Sciences in Computer Science
Study type and form Full time studies
Duration of implementation (years) 2 years
Language of implementation Latvian
Study programme (CP) 120 CP / ECTS
Admission requirements Bachelor of Science or Engineering in computer science, mathematics, information technology, physics, astronomy, electronics or telecommunications

Aim of the study programme

To prepare specialists in computer science with a broad knowledge in higher mathematics, science and engineering, with particular emphasis on digital signal and image processing, development of software and IT systems, computer vision and machine learning, and to prepare students for independent scientific research work that would enable them to independently perform professionally in promising sectors of the computer science labor market.

Objectives of the study programme:

  • to provide students with the conditions and opportunities to acquire skills and competences for their scientific and professional career;
  • to motivate and promote students' continuing education needs, including the motivation to proceed to doctoral programs;
  • to develop students' scientific analysis skills, pedagogical skills, independent problem-solving skills, and encourage their involvement in scientific problemsolving.

Study programme learning outcomes
  • Knows computer science guidelines, machine learning fundamentals and project development cycles.
  • Is able to apply their knowledge to formulate and solve problems in academic, scientific and professional environment;
  • Is able to independently plan and organize their work and further learning;
  • Is able to use documentation and technical standards of other sectors;
  • Is able to communicate and cooperate with specialists from other sectors in the development,  implementation and management of projects.
  • Can discuss complex and systemic aspects of computer science in a reasoned manner with both experts and non-experts;
  • Can work effectively both individually and in a group;
  • Can perform their work and duties to a high standard while continually looking for and implementing innovations to improve their scientific or professional activities;
  • Can demonstrate their knowledge and ethical responsibility for the impact of scientific results or professional activities on the environment and society.

Last modified: Friday, 28 June 2024, 4:41 PM